LipidFun: a database of lipid functions

The Biological function section offers detailed information on the user-selected biological function and its associated lipid. The results included:
  • A summary table of biological function -lipid association.
  • An evidence table of biological function -lipid association.
  • A biologicalfunction-lipids association network.
  • A biologicalfunction-lipids association inferred tree view.
  • A biologicalfunction-lipids association word cloud.
Enter the biological function name in the selection box to analyze your desired lipid. If you are unsure how to use our website, check out the example below the selection box or refer to the tutorial for guidance.

We support biological function search by common name, alias, and MsSH ID.


This table displays lipids associated with the target biological function, providing their names and the number of related biological functions. Additional details include specificity index, pleiotropy index, the count of literature references mentioning a specific biological function-lipid association and the earliest and latest literature mentioning this association.

  • Click on a count in the "Literature" column to view sentences extracted from literature containing the target biological function and a specific lipid.
  • Please refer to Tutorial for more details about the specificity and pleiotropy indexes.



The evidence table provides the sentences extracted from literature references mentioning the target biological function and a specific lipid. The table includes additional information such as each reference's PMID (PubMed ID), the count of literature references mentioning the biological function-lipid association, whether the associations are under expert curation, and the publication year.

  • Click on a specific PMID to directly access its full article in PubMed.
  • In each sentence, biological function, lipid, and verbs are highlighted for clarity as Biological function, Lipid, and Verb.
    Please note that if a word is supposed to be highlighted by more than two colors, it will be displayed in grey.




The network visualizes lipids associated with the target biological function. Node sizes and colors represent the literature records documenting the biological function-lipid association. Nodes without literature are marked white, while nodes with more literature records are red. You can manipulate the network by clicking on the toolbar at the bottom right and left.

  • Zoom in or out of the network by scrolling the mouse wheel and can move it by clicking and dragging it.
  • Hover over a specific node to view the count of literature that mention this lipid and target biological function.
  • Double click on a colored node to access the evidence table listing all the relevant sentences extracted from the literature.



The inferred tree visualizes lipids associated with the target biological function based on Lipidmaps and lipid classification structure in MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). Node sizes indicate the total counts of downstream nodes' literature references. Each node's color is based on the literature count of the node itself. Nodes without literature are marked in white, while nodes with more literature records are near red. Nodes with a bold frame indicate the presence of downstream nodes, and you can click on them to expand their downstream nodes.

  • Click on the bold frame nodes to expand or collapse their associated downstream nodes.
  • Hover over a specific node to view the node literature count and downstream literature count.
  • Click on a colored node to access the evidence table listing all the relevant sentences extracted from the literature.



The word cloud presents lipids associated with the target biological function. Lipid names displayed in larger sizes represent more literature documenting this biological function-lipid association.

  • Hover over a specific lipid name to view the count of literature that mention this lipid and target biological function.
  • Click on a specific lipid name to access the evidence table listing all the relevant sentences extracted from the literature.


The left bar plot displays the top 10 associated phenotypess based on the correlation coefficient. The x-axis shows phenotype names, and the y-axis shows correlation coefficient values.

On the right, the Sankey diagram illustrates how the targeted biological function is associated with lipids and phenotypes. The connecting lines between nodes represent the associations, with thicker lines indicating stronger associations.
